Children who offend

When a tamaiti (10–14 years) breaks the law, we work with them in a way that carefully considers their age, along with any whānau issues that may be affecting their safety and behaviour.

The majority of tamariki who offend are dealt with by the Police through alternative action, like writing an apology letter, or paying for damage.

When their offence is more serious, we may organise a youth justice family group conference.

The tamaiti is central to this process, and we make sure they understand and are part of any decisions. The aim is to help the tamaiti face up to their offending, learn from their mistakes, make positive choices and move on.

The whānau will help form a plan for their tamaiti, that is then agreed by everyone in the conference. The whānau will also help ensure the plan is followed. 

Published: March 13, 2017 · Updated: September 27, 2023